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  1. Ring with diamonds in ivory gold 1К759-0346
    €1'830 Обычная цена €2'060
  2. Veta ring with diamonds and sapphires in white gold
    €1'186 Обычная цена €1'335
  3. White gold ring with diamonds and citrines
    €426 Обычная цена €480
  4. White gold ring with diamonds
    €374 Обычная цена €576
  5. Ring
    €524 Обычная цена €590
  6. Ring
    €537 Обычная цена €605
  7. Ring
    €573 Обычная цена €644
  8. Ring
    €1'350 Обычная цена €1'521
  9. Ring
    €855 Обычная цена €963
  10. Ring
    €907 Обычная цена €1'022
  11. Ring
    €572 Обычная цена €880
  12. Ring
    €1'882 Обычная цена €2'119
  13. Ring
    €372 Обычная цена €421
  14. Ring
    €693 Обычная цена €779

Rings with diamonds

The history of the ZARINA jewelry house is closely related to jewelry with diamonds. At the very beginning of our activity, we were the first in Ukraine to offer our customers rings with diamonds, the feature of which was the combination of white metal and transparent stone.

This elegant combination, popular among European jewelry connoisseurs, was initially perceived as too modest in Ukraine, because white gold seemed similar to cheaper silver. But later the ice melted and today the diamond ring is equally popular in both yellow metal and white.

A diamond wedding ring is a symbol of your feelings

Diamond rings as an engagement gift have already become a real classic. It is believed that a man, giving such an ornament to his chosen one, is confident in the strength of the future family, and the ring will symbolize the depth of feelings and stability in marriage. Also, the transparency of the stone seems to hint at the honesty of the relationship.

Today, diamond engagement rings are available in a wide variety of designs. But the ring with one central stone remains the leader. Depending on the characteristics of the diamond, the price of such jewelry can be both quite affordable and substantial.

Focus on your own capabilities and taste and remember that the ring is only a symbol of the most beautiful human feeling that lives in your hearts. The main value will always be love and a new family.

A diamond is the heart of a diamond ring

When buying a diamond ring, you should pay attention to the key characteristics of the stone. Experts evaluate the mineral according to four parameters (4 "C"):

  1. The first "C" is carat weight, weight in carats. 1 carat is 0.2 grams. And it is in these units of measurement that a diamond is weighed.
  2. The second "C" is color. Absolutely transparent diamonds are extremely rare. Most often, the stone has a color and shade. Experts, evaluating a diamond, determine the shade according to color standards
  3. The third "C" is clarity. The fewer defects a mineral has, the higher its quality and price will be.
  4. The fourth "C" - cut. cutting This characteristic determines the quality of the finishing stone.

The results of the evaluation according to the 4"C" formula characterize both the diamond itself and how the jeweler worked with it during processing. When choosing jewelry, you receive from ZARINA sales consultants all information about the origin of the stone and its assessment and characteristics.

Where to buy a diamond ring in Ukraine

Choosing among many shops and private jewelers, it is difficult to make a final choice. The boutiques of the ZARINA Jewelry House have been offering a wide range of jewelry in innovative designs and techniques for over 24 years. In order not to waste your time on long searches, you can familiarize yourself with the assortment by browsing the catalog in the zarina.ua online store.

Every piece of jewelry from ZARINA is a symbol of love and respect for a woman. We create jewelry with the goal of helping every woman reveal her value and tell the world about herself, unique and special.

The best diamond rings in 2022

Product Product price, uah
Ring with diamonds in white gold 1K193-0661 from 46 400
Ring with diamonds in white gold 1K193-0537 from 45 200
Ring with a diamond Attractiveness 1K034-1610 from 62 600
Ring with a diamond in white gold 1K579-0015 from 76 450
Ring with diamonds in white gold 1-172 545 from 21 120
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